Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ten truths tuesday #9

1. Listening to music is the ultimate remedy for just about anything.

2. Put a lot of time into planning what the space you live in looks like. You have to spend a lot of time there, so make sure it's somewhere comfortable that you're happy to be in.

3. Write everything down. Thoughts are fleeting, and you don't want to lose some great idea.

4. Mix patterns.

5. If someone tells you a secret, please keep it secret. They are giving you the ultimate compliment by putting their trust in you, and you should prove you're worth it.

6. Indian food is so good. Give tikka masala a chance!

7. It's okay (and refreshing) to be alone.

8. Thrifting is awesome; and no, you're not too good to shop in a thrift store.

9. Don't treat waiters/valets/retail employees like shit! Their jobs are not easy, and they're doing what they can to make your life EASIER!

10. Think before you complain.

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